Its (fittingly) private founder, Gabriel Weinberg, may be press shy, but that hasn’t stopped him from testifying about online privacy before Congress, as he did in early 2019. Marketed as the antidote to the all-knowing, all-tracking Google, DuckDuckGo came on the scene in 2008. Tap or click here for more details.Drive just about 25 miles west of City Hall, and you’ll land at the HQ of one of the country’s foremost pioneers in internet privacy: DuckDuckGo, in Paoli. Brave Search doesn’t track you or your search results and will never sell your data to advertising companies. Brave: The privacy-focused browser has its own search engine built into the browser.Using it feels like you’re on Google, but you don’t have to worry about the company tracking and selling your data to the highest bidder. Startpage: Dubbed “the world’s most private search engine,” Startpage uses Google’s abilities without tracking its users.New to private searching? DuckDuckGo is one of our go-to recommendations, along with: “I know our product is not perfect and will never be. Still, Weinberg says, providing total anonymity in the DuckDuckGo browser outside the search engine itself “frankly isn’t possible.” If you use DuckDuckGo for searches, you can rest easy: Search results are and have always been anonymous. Weinberg explained that the current agreement “prevents us from doing more to Microsoft-owned properties” but the company is working hard to change the requirements. But we’ve taken on that challenge because it makes for better privacy, and faster downloads.” What you can do about itĭuckDuckGo is working toward removing the clause from its contract with Microsoft. In a statement to and posted on Reddit, Weinberg says the tracking in question “is another above-and-beyond protection that most browsers don’t even attempt to do for web protection - stopping third-party tracking scripts from even loading on third-party websites - because this can easily cause websites to break.

“For ads, we worked with Microsoft to make ad clicks protected,” he said. DuckDuckGo confirmed the tracking, with CEO and Founder Gabriel Weinberg explaining on Twitter that DuckDuckGo search results are entirely anonymous, including ads.